Press Releases
26 May 2000 Please, update your AntiViral Toolkit Pro (AVP) anti-virus database Cambridge, UK, May 26, 2000 - Kaspersky Labs Int., a fast-growing international anti-virus software development company, reports the discovery of a new dangerous Melissa-style virus...
19 May 2000 Kaspersky Anti-Virus (AVP) detects it without any update! Cambridge, UK, May 19, 2000 - Kaspersky Labs Int., a fast-growing international anti-virus software development company, announces the discovery of a new extremely dangerous variation of the...
5 May 2000 Two more variants of a popular worm appeared. Cambridge, UK, May 5, 2000 - Kaspersky Labs Int., a fast-growing international anti-virus software development company, warned yesterday about the discovery of the new dangerous worm named...
4 May 2000 Don't use the computer to find the answer. Cambridge, UK, May 4, 2000 - Kaspersky Labs Int., a fast-growing international anti-virus software development company, warns about the discovery of the new dangerous worm named I-Worm.LoveLetter. The worm...
28 April 2000 For the third time the "Chernobyl" virus confirmed that anti-virus protection is a must. As mentioned in the warning Kaspersky Labs Int. issued on April 20, the "Chernobyl" virus (also known as Win95.CIH) made its third impact on computer users. The...
27 April 2000 Detection for this worm has been added to AVP anti-virus database... 1 MONTH AGO! Cambridge, UK, April 27, 2000 - Kaspersky Labs Int., a fast-growing international anti-virus software development company, alerts users about the epidemic of a new...
26 April 2000 The "Smash" virus will try to destroy your hard drive! Cambridge, UK, April 26, 2000 - Kaspersky Labs Int., a fast-growing international anti-virus software development company, announces the discovery of a new extremely dangerous Windows virus...
24 April 2000 Cambridge, UK, April 24, 2000 - Kaspersky Labs Int., a fast-growing international anti-virus software development company, announces the discovery of a new computer virus Win32.Santana, which has been distributed via the Internet and e-mail under...
20 April 2000 The right time to check your computers for "Chernobyl" virus Cambridge, UK, April 20, 2000 - Kaspersky Labs Int., a fast-growing international anti-virus software development company, informs computer users that on April 26 a variation of the virus,...
3 April 2000 A new dangerous worm calls �911' and destroys data on your PC! Cambridge, UK, April 3, 2000 - Kaspersky Labs Int., a fast-growing international anti-virus software development company, warns about the discovery of a new set of network worms from the...
10 March 2000 Kaspersky Lab recommends to update your AVP anti-virus database Cambridge, UK, March 10, 2000 - Kaspersky Labs Int., an international anti-virus software vendor, warns about the discovery of a new Internet-worm I-Worm.Melting. The worm has been...
17 December 1999 Kaspersky Labs Int. warns computer users about the discovery of new Internet worm I-Worm.NewApt. The worm has been reported in-the-wild in many countries of Europe, America and Asia. We recommend all AVP users to download and install a weekly update...
7 December 1999 Please, update your AVP anti-virus database Kaspersky Labs Int., announces the discovery of Win95.Babylonia virus, which features capabilities of Internet-worm and "Trojan horse" program. The virus has been reported "in-the-wild" in United States,...
6 December 1999 New Melissa-style Internet-worm Cambridge, UK, December 6, 1999 - Kaspersky Labs Int., an international anti-virus software vendor warns computer uses against a danger of infection with recently discovered Melissa-style Internet-worm I-Worm.MyPics....
1 December 1999 Reincarnation of a deadly worm Cambridge, UK, December 1, 1999 - Kaspersky Labs Int., an international anti-virus software vendor, announces the discovery of a new variation of infamous ZippedFiles Internet Worm, which became sadly known earlier in...
1 December 1999 The worm reported "in-the-wild" Cambridge, UK, December 1, 1999 - Kaspersky Labs Int., an international anti-virus software vendor, announces the discovery of the BubbleBoy Internet worm "in-the-wild". The worm previously existed in "zoo" virus...
11 November 1999 Cambridge, UK, November 11, 1999 - Kaspersky Labs Int., an international anti-virus software company, reports the discovery of a new Windows virus with a great potential for spreading across corporate networks. Win32.FunLove has been found...
10 November 1999 The antidote is already discovered Cambridge, UK, November 10, 1999 - Kaspersky Labs Int., an international anti-virus software vendor, reports the discovery of a new generation of Internet-based malicious code that constitute a real danger to all...
26 October 1999 Cambridge, UK, October 26, 1999 - Kaspersky Labs Int., a fast-growing international anti-virus software development company, announces the discovery of the first macro virus Macro.Office.Corner able to infect MS Project files. Corner is a...
15 October 1999 Cambridge, UK, October 15, 1999 - Kaspersky Labs Int., an international anti-virus software vendor, has received numerous queries from computer users with requests to clarify the situation related to Y2K virus threat, initiated by some anti-virus...
4 November 1998 New computer virus is written in Windows command language! Will it be the real nightmare for users of the Internet? The last week of October 1998 brought a real surprise in the computer world. Kaspersky Labs Int. experts detected a computer virus...